Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The 12 Riches Of Life, Straight From Napoleon Hill

When I first saw Napoleon Hill's classic book "Think and Grow Rich" on my required reading list for an entrepreneurial course I was taking, I got the same impression that many people get from the title...that it was just about the pursuit of money and financial riches. Of course, who doesn't want these perks, but I have to admit I was initially turned off, because I was seeking reading material that was more holistic with regard to following an entrepreneurial path, not just about pursuing the all mighty greenback. Something with more soul, if you will. However, as I delved into it, I quickly understood why it was required reading (and not just for entrepreneurs!), and couldn't put it down. I found the teachings about mindset to be very powerful and applicable for anyone who is pursuing their true calling in life, with financial riches being just one of the happy by-products of the right mindset. I think the book should be re-titled "Think and Grow Wealthy" because it addresses wealth in all areas of life, not merely financial riches. I love this clip, a rare commentary that summarizes the basic principles of the book straight from the horse's mouth...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008