Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Top 7 Reasons To Listen To the LAST Double Your Income Challenge Teleseminar!

This month I have been participating in Raymond Aaron's Double Your Income Challenge, a series of teleseminars that he has graciously offered free of charge during the month of January. Raymond has been one of my mentors since 2007, and is the author of several best-selling books, his most recent being "Double Your Income Doing What You Love." Although the title of this teleseminar pertained to doubling your income, the challenge really applied to anything that we may choose. Raymond emphasized that one way to increase income is to increase a potential client base. In my case, and I am pleased to report that I not only doubled, but actually dramatically increased my potential client base by 57X (an increase of 5,700%) over the course of a few weeks by implementing the strategies and tips Raymond gave, and I haven't even had a chance to listen to all the calls yet (luckily I have access to archives for a limited time after the challenge)! So I can wholeheartedly say that his techniques work, and therefore I wanted to share the top 7 reasons why you should listen to the LAST Double Your Income Challenge call this Thursday, January 29...

7) You will be getting access to fantastic tips on how to crush your debt!

6) You will be getting access to cutting edge information on how to use the internet to double whatever you want!

5) It will be your last chance to take advantage of all the free bonuses Raymond has offered!

4) Raymond always over-delivers, so there is the anticipation of some fantastic content which will only be revealed live on the last call!

3) You will have one last opportunity to submit any questions you may have about doubling your income, or anything else you want to ask, directly to Raymond, which he will answer live on the teleseminar!

2)  It's the LAST call in a series of EXCELLENT free teleseminars, and the last chance you will have to get access to audio archives of the previous calls that you have missed for a limited time after the challenge ends!

And lastly, the TOP reason to tune in to the final teleseminar...

1) You will learn how to harness your passions to double your income doing what you LOVE! You may not be able to participate in the official challenge by tuning into just the last day, but duh, you will still be getting a wealth of free information on proven ways to double your income, or anything else that you may want to double, for that matter! And then you can start using the techniques to double what you want in February, or anytime, because knowledge is the first step toward powerful action, especially in this economy!

So, there you have it...we'll "hear" you on the call!

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