Sunday, June 14, 2009

The New Long Beach Transit Passes Are Great!

As some of my readers may know, I am a huge fan of public transportation, and have been very happy with the transit system here in Long Beach. I typically get a monthly bus pass, and my car now only comes out on special occasions that require leaving the city. Everything else is within bus distance. The only drawback, however, was that the monthly passes were only available until the 10th of the month, and were only good until the end of the month. So, with my variable schedule, sometimes I missed getting one, and ended up having to find change for my trips (more like dollars). Also, if I ended up getting one later in the month, that was less days it was good for.

A few months back, however, Long Beach made some great improvements for our transportation budgets! The new Long Beach bus passes are now available any time, and they are not dated. So, when you buy one, you activate it when you first use it by swiping the magnetic stripe (also a new feature), and it is then stamped with an expiration date 30 days later. They also now have 5-day passes available, perfect if you you have out-of-town visitors and don't want to buy them a full month's pass, or if your public transportation needs are variable. Sweet! Thanks Long Beach Transit!

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